The overall goal of rehabilitation after lower limb amputation is to reach your best level of health and independence in your walking, daily activities, and quality of life.

How our Physical Therapy Specialists Can Help

We can help you in the following areas:

  • Manage painful conditions including residual limb and phantom limb pain
  • Prevent injuries that sometimes occur in remaining limbs
  • Improve strength and flexibility
  • Reduce swelling
  • Prevent muscle shortening/contractures
  • Improve and maintain physical health
  • Become independent and safe in walking and self-care activities
  • Return to work and free-time activities
  • Improve your quality of life

A lot of things impact your recovery after amputation, such as your level of amputation, physical condition,diet, family support, emotional well-being, and personal motivation.

A rehabilitation program that takes care of your physical needs and emotional well-being can help you have an independent life.

Many patients are able to use a prosthesis, also called an artificial limb, but your care team can also help you become more independent in daily life without a prosthesis.

Expectations for Rehabilitation

Once you and your care determine or identify your goals, your rehabilitation will likely include:

  • Learning how to walk with your prosthesis
  • Training in daily activities such as bathing, dressing, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and many others
  • How to use tools that makes tasks easier
  • How to care for your residual limb to help swelling, pain, sensitivity, skin care, and shaping
  • Range of motion exercises and home exercises to help with strength, posture, and balance
  • How to use devices such as wheelchairs, driving equipment, or workplace tools

Your Therapist May Help During Any of These Phases

  1. Surgical phase
  2. Pre-prosthetic phase
  3. Prosthetic fitting
  4. Lifelong care

Amputation Rehabilitation is a Team Effort

We work closely with you, your surgeon, and any other members of your care team. To learn more about our amputation rehabilitation program, please give us a call.

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